We offer subscription services for those who wish to keep up with new releases, while curating a wide selection current periodicals + graphic novels that span the mainstream, and alternative comic book industry. Contact us to set up a pull-list. Additionally we keep a healthy stock of vintage comics, and back-issues in regular rotation.
As an approximate rule, if your comics are from the mid-eighties and back, or have a cover price that's under $1, we're potentially interested in purchasing them. We unfortunately can't make guarantees about buying your comics without having a look at what's on hand. Get in touch and we can figure things out.
Contact Us
A deep appreciation of comics motivated us to open shop. We're anxious to share the medium with other eager readers - whether it's masked heroes that inspire us, or alternative publications that challenge the status quo.
Photo of Wess by Jaysen Michael
Wess has been looking at comics since before he could read. He worked under Stan Daniel and Jason Bean for a half decade at Kingdom Comics where he was taught how to assess the value of comics based on their age, condition, canonical relevance, and historical importance. Contact Wess concerning any comic subscription, or order services.